Considering the switch to Microsoft’s Edge Browser? (Awesome Features)

Ever wondered about that one piece of software you spend most of your digital life in? Yep, you’ve guessed it, we’re talking about your internet browser. We’re all hooked on cloud-based apps these days, and that means our browsers are our digital command centers.

Over the eons of the internet, we’ve seen browsers rise and fall. Can you believe there was a time when Internet Explorer ruled the roost? Fast forward to today, and Google’s Chrome is the big kahuna.

But hold onto your mouse, because nothing lasts forever in the digital world! Microsoft Edge, a rising star since its debut in 2015, is rapidly gaining ground. A worthy successor to Internet Explorer, Edge has now become the go-to browser for many. Yes, it took some time to become mainstream, but boy, its moment has arrived!

Did you know Microsoft Edge recently leapfrogged Firefox in global desktop browser market share? Now ranking as the world’s #3 desktop browser, it’s hot on the heels of Safari. And trust me, Safari should keep an eye on the rearview mirror!

So, here’s how the race stands:

  • Chrome: Holding the fort with 64.8%
  • Safari: Second in line at 9.77%
  • Edge: Closing in at 9.6%
  • Firefox: At fourth with 9.46%
  • Opera: Taking the fifth spot at 2.88%
  • Internet Explorer: Hanging on with 1.14%

Wondering why Edge suddenly put on the jetpacks when it had a rather slow start? The secret sauce is its adoption of the Chromium framework in 2020 – the same foundation that powers Chrome. The result? A faster browser and a floodgate of extensions and add-ons!

Considering giving Edge a whirl? Well, that’s your call! But let’s give you a taste of some cool features that might just tempt you to switch teams.

Gather Your Web Clippings with Collections

Tired of lengthy, chaotic lists of ‘favourites’ or bookmarks? Edge comes to your rescue with Collections. This nifty feature lets you stash web pages by topic in a neat sidebar. Plan a vacation or do some research, and keep all related web pages in one tidy place. And the best part? You can bid goodbye to them once you’re done.


Who doesn’t love a good deal? With Edge, you don’t need a separate coupon app. It automatically scouts for available coupons on the site you’re shopping at. So, save time and make sure you’re not missing out on any juicy deals!

Price Comparison

Now, wouldn’t you love it if your browser could play price detective? Edge’s price history and comparison feature lets you know if you can get a better deal elsewhere. It’s like having your personal shopper in your browser!

Solid Security

Worried about online safety? Edge comes packed with features to guard against phishing sites, malware, and pesky ad trackers. It even notifies you if your stored passwords have been involved in a breach! Plus, you can choose from three tracking prevention settings to keep your personal info away from prying advertisers.

Web Capture for Snappy Screenshots

Capturing and marking up screenshots is a breeze with Edge. The Web Capture tool lets you snag a full screen or a specific area, and then you can jot down your notes.

Is Your Internet Security Up to Snuff?

Navigating the online world safely is key, both at home and at work. Need a hand to tighten up your digital defences? Give us a buzz, and we’ll have you covered!

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